RICHES OF THE DEAD season 1 (Episode 2)

Austin stepped into the room. When Melinda saw it was her boyfriend, she threw herself at him, crying soulfully. “What is it? What is wrong with you?” “I don’t know. I feel fear; it is everywhere. I was on the phone with an old friend when he suddenly went silent and after a few moments, …

riches-of-the-dead-ije-the-journey (Episode 1)

My name is Benjamin Watson, but my friends call me ben10 , Am a boy of 24 years old, no parents, I actually stay with my street friends and we are about 6 guyz staying in the same room, this story is all about my experience in the quest of getting rich and making it …


Melinda was a few minutes late to an executive meeting in the company she worked for, but she had to make a brief stop at a drug store to buy some lozenges, her throat was getting too dry and she feared that if she did nothing about it soon, she would not be able to …

FORGIVE ME FATHER (18+) Episode 6 , Final Episode

I got home and I met Kunle. I then said. “Kunle, I need you to tell me the truth. Why did you come back to me months ago after you left?” He stood up and said. “Because I missed you….” I then said. “Kunle, I need you, to be honest with me.” He took a …